Sunday, February 28, 2010

New Citizen items!

hey guyz,the new citizenship items came out for march,chec them out,i like the jetpack

its a good thing i have the bell from rain instead of buying it


Saturday, February 27, 2010


hi im new author XD

ill keep you guys update ;D
i work on 16 blogs
thats all for today
Hey guyz today we had a party at my house and cat came

Cat announces my name! :)

it was fun,me and cat rained balloons

Secert Flood?

Hey guyz today on chocolate there was a secert flood
i wonder who did it

Friday, February 26, 2010

new athur

hey everyone i am cookie000 on chobots i am a new athure thank you zero lol i just like to say i am glad to be here :) and will be posting more :)

New items

Hey guyz some new items came out today check em out
New Hair

New Backrounds (4.99)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

hey guyz jessie had a house party here r the pics,ihad more but there no good;)

Epic Movie 5

its awsome,good job william,i like the kymaster and peanutbutter jelly part

New Mod?

Hey guyz check this out wen we clicked on this guy his age didnt show up,is he a new mod?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

hey yall

hey guys i got a other tip to eb a agent never never ever tell anyone ur pass

Monday, February 22, 2010

3 DEagents

check out these pics of these ppl,y were the deagented?also mimja was deagented 2 but i dont have a pic,i have recomened mimja on the agent post

here r there trackers

i think they should be reagented

Old Shoes in catolog and wierd glitch!

Hi guyz some shoes returnted to the catolog,my favs!

also a wierd glitch happened wen i click on ironchef,different clothes and no buttons on the bottom,lol

Sunday, February 21, 2010

how to become a agent

ok guys ill be telling u guys some of the rules of cho 1st do not date 2 dont say cruss cuz their are little kids who play cho world and 3rd do never ever ever!!! ask to be a agent or go into the agent hideout even if their mods thats how can be a good agent

the new guy

hi! guys am shushboy ill be a new poster and i just wanna tell u that i have one rule
my rule is to have fun!!!!!!

Searching for new authors!

het guyz i thought about having new authors on the blog,comment here
requirements/wat u should put on ur comment:
email(dont put this on ur comment, dont weant hackers)
blogger account
chobot name
and if u have,anyu expierences working on other blogs


Saturday, February 20, 2010

New Author!

Hi guyz today we have a new author,her name is Cookie000 and she will be posting

she wouldve been posting this but she is 2 busy but i hope she does great

Hey guyz 2day i turned 300 on chobots,heres a pic

also 2morrow i turn 500 on clubpenguin ,lol

Friday, February 19, 2010

New catolog!

Hi guyz a new catolog came out heres a pic

also we can only view items,not buy,heres a sneak for u non citizens

pc,there r more items than this jetpack

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Kittysnows 400 Bday

Hi guyz today kittysnow turned 400 heres the pic of her party

also im leavin her tracker on this post

Friday, February 12, 2010

Citizen Room

Hi guyz the citizen room came out today,u enter from the citizen wall blue pipe

New Hair!?

Hi,guyz I was looking at sweetgirls tracker and look wat i found
heres her tracker

Thursday, February 11, 2010

600 Bdays

Check it out go! turned 600 yesterday and canab is turnin 600 in 2 days
check it out
here r there trackers

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chobots .in

Hi today i found a new chobots called
here r some poics

they also have rockemall street instead of robots!

New Design

hi today i made a new design,here it is i call it the tinagothic shirt :)


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My designs :)

Zarich Flag

Hi i sent some designs to support but havent heard back,i sent a vit flag and zarich flag.heres the zarich flag

1st Contest!

I would like you to give me a st. patricks day outfit
i already no my valentines day 1 so here.
u have 3 days

Prizes for Contest!

Hi,its me zero0.

ive asked the chobots team if we could use real prizes like paintbrushes and video cameras

anyway im gonna make a new contest look above this post for it

Monday, February 8, 2010

Which should I wear?

Hi,for valentines day which outfit should i wear? Outfit 1 Outfit 2 Outfit 3

New apperences

Hi,im zero0 and this is my 1st post.there was som updates 2day.they r our chobot r some of r friends with them