Wednesday, March 17, 2010

1st St. Particks Day Party Review

HEY GUYZ ITS ME ZERO0,I HAVENT BEEN POSTING LATLEY BUT IM BACK srry for caps,anyway here r some highlights from the party
me,paris and hiki r big(srry for load thing)


Monday, March 15, 2010


guys guses what poepel are4 quiting cho if you can find poeple to get cho back their well be 3 prizes and i well know like hiki and jessie

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Look,smart was already deagented,thoufht he did somthin wrong but idk
like mimja we must help him get his agent status back

Saturday, March 6, 2010

I rock at games : )

Hey guyz i found an awsome new game and check this

I get in 34th place in the monthly scoreboard

I get in 1st in the daily score

comment if u wanna try the game out

Friday, March 5, 2010

Cats 1st Video

here it is,its really funny

New Items

Hey guyz some new items came out check em

Gold Wings-4000 bugs,kinda expesive for an item but theyre afordable :)

Angel Wings-u can rain heart balloons with these,19.99


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wanted Page

hey guyz,any bad chobots that r botherin u,well comment on any post or if u see me on cho tell me who

also coment if this person is ban,stoped breaking rulez,or if an agent stops them


My Entry for Flag Competion!

Heres my entry for the flag competion

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New doll Masks!

Hey guyz,the new doll masks came out today,theyre 100000 BUGS,im close and i think ill buy it and boy it up a little ,lol

Monday, March 1, 2010

Basias Art!

Hey guyz basia did some art,check it(incase u didnt no,basia is one of the,maybe THE best artist on chobots)

Heres her tracker

New Updates

Hey guyz some new updates came out,check em
New Map

New Server Map

Spring with Chobots

New Basia