Friday, July 30, 2010

Hey guyz, its me Zero0, new items, CHECK EM OUT!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

New Items

Hey guyz, new items check em out


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Which Banner?

Hey guyz, if you don't know, my banner was put on Jessie's blog. Well I created a new one. Vote on the poll over there ----> (If the new one wins, I'll have a contest for you to edit the new one)

First One:

New One:

Also, I'm downloading Adobe Photoshop, please tell me your opinion on it in a comment


Monday, July 12, 2010

Chobots On Vacation, Video Contest!

Hey guys William here!

I have a new contest! This time with the theme “Vacation”

So where is your Chobot going on holiday? Spain, Australia, Caribbean... Scotland?
Make your video interesting with all the things Chobots like to do on vacation!

Prizes will be awarded for Best video, Most interesting and Best video skills ;)

Get your tripods out and your sunglasses on!
Please post your video link as a comment to this post.
You have 1 week! (Sunday July 18th 2010) Cya then!


Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday Updates and New Dino theme?

Hey guyz, New Friday Updates, check em out!

Bow Dress

New Dino Mask, also theres another Dino mask in the Coming Soon Catolog, maybe a new Dino theme, kinda lke the fairytale theme.

Thumbs Up Sweater

Cowboy Suit 2

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Epic Fail Video Results!

I have an Important news from William! 8c)

Hey guys!

William here with the results for the EPIC FAIL! Video contest :D

It’s great to see everyone making their funny fails! I thought everyone did a great job.

Down to the winners!
With the best video we have Kymaster! A really funny fail video well done! (Warning near the start their is a mild bad word, if you don’t want to see it don’t watch the video if you don’t mind follow this link ) Congratz you win your silver medal!

With the best presented video we have Kingsonnest! Really well put together ;) Epic fail :P You win a bronze medal!

The most funny video award goes to Chubbytots! You win a camera for your funny video :)

We have our two runners up! Nearly there guys! - Lucky686 - Sightens

I think this was one of the best contests so far keep up the good videos guys and see you next week!


Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday Item's!!

Hey guy's! 8cD

Now it's friday! And wwe have friday Items! Check it out!

Do you love them or what??