Saturday, May 29, 2010

My new Widget/Gadget!!

Hey people!

Guess what??? I made a new gadget! It's about protecting your blog or website from being copied or stolen! Here it is Check it out!

Cool huh? The cam will move from left to right blinking like this;

The background colour will suit with your blog or website colour.
And your Right click will be disabled in your blog/Website. It will be like this;

If you want this widget in your blog/web Come to my Blog and comment or chat with me on the right edge of my blog. Make sure you give me your e-mail link with your comment or chat! And I will send you the link.


If you don't want the right click disabled tell me in your chat or comment.

Stay tuned for more updates until then:

Ask,think,watch and learn...More you know the more you grow!!



  1. Hi I want that widget here's my email.

  2. Ok please wait for sometime 8c)

